Der Berg ruft ...
102 Jahre Lückendorfer Bergrennen
route via onboard camera ...
The MC Robur Zittau had has checked the Lückendorfer Hillclimb Route of the DMSB - German Motorsportbund.
The race track Lückendorf is registered as an official race track for speed competitions.

Once from Eichgraben to Lückendorf please ...
The participants of the Lückendorfer Bergrennen have a height difference of 209 meters on the 4 kilometer long mountain route with their 91-year racing history.
Exciting is the route in the Zittau mountains through their different types of curves and the constantly changing light conditions. The fast journey leads from Eichgraben to Lückendorf.
The audience is really much offered. Large monitors show the driving times in the racing classes. Shuttle buses run free of charge along the route. There are several catering spots, free parking and musical entertainment. The paddock near Eichgraben with large tent is accessible to everyone.
The framework for this race is the Historik Mobil. Three events are organized here: Lückendorfer Bergrennen, the festival of the Zittauer Schmalspurbahn and the Jonsdorfer Oldtimerdays.